Montino Bourbon

Maestro Montino Bourbon del Monte is a Master of Sound. He is a lineage holder of several ancient traditions, notably the Beenkar Gharana, the oldest and most respected lineage of Indian music.
He directed the Academy of Universal Music in Santa Barbara for over twenty years, and has played for audiences in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. His command of music is both lyrical and scientific. He is the originator of the Sheet of The New Music, a system that brings together musical theory and practice from many musical traditions, and empowers people to play beautiful music with little or no experience. His recent work with electronic media has generated several new and exciting styles. Presently, the Maestro is in India, where he is researching the origins of Sacred Trance Music. His work with healing combines the ancient principles of Raga with modern electronic tools.
Sacred Trance Music is the music that represents and brings about the Sacred Trance that is the immediate introduction to the State of Primordial Consciousness. It takes the best and highest from all forms of music, including classical, folk, and modern music from all parts of the world that introduce the listener directly to The State. Any existing instruments may be used, and new ones designed to effect Direct Introduction have been built for that purpose.
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