Community Totems

The Vivacious Jaguars (The Goddess Grove)

vivacious-jaguars alicia

Color: Gold


Vivacious & Divine

Who Are They:

The Jaguar is the symbol of the untamed feminine, the moon, and water. This totem awakens greater assertion of the feminine in all her aspects: child, virgin, lover,seductress, mother, creatrix, huntress, destroyer, warrior, priestess, and wise women. When the Jaguar is your totem, it awakens your inner passions in unbridled expressions of base powers and instincts, while reflecting the awakening of the kundalini, signaling a time of coming into one’s own power. The Jaguar is the symbol of the heroic quest, unraveling the tale that tells us that no matter the depth of difficulty in ones life—whether self-inflicted or inflicted from outside forces—there is always the promise of light and love to lead us back. The community surrounding you is your greatest resource, in joy or pain. Sharing our collective wisdom we further the emerging feminine consciousness of people everywhere, and of the planet we are working to heal. When the Jaguar enters your life, the path has just begun. The Goddess Grove explores all aspects of the Goddess within us, the light, the dark and the transforming. It’s a space that encourages you to embody the strength, courage, and compassion of your Divine Feminine. There the Goddess thrives, and your comfort zones are safely tested and expanded as we draw from the community of women around us. The Grove is a place for secret treasures, words, acts, and dance. In the Goddess Grove, all people are welcome to revel in The Goddess' presence, and pay homage to the great mother earth spirit. The Goddess totem is the Vivacious Jaguar.

Visit their website for more info.

The JadeNow Mermaids

mermaid group cropped

Color: Jade


Enchanting & Exotic

Who Are They:

The JadeNow Mermaid, the Goddess of the Sea is perched on her throne,"YU", of Jade. As per whispered legends she is offering the gift of Jade birthed from the fiery opening rifts of the deep blue oceans. Her talisman gift is to remind mankind of his watery roots and to restore balance and flowing grace to human green stewardship of our blue planet. She offers this touchstone, a marriage of her yin and the pure yang of Jade, to reconnect you to your matrix and to remind you of your immortality and the life force from whence you came and are. The JadeNow Mermaids embody the heart conscious energy of Jade and these Sea Goddesses let us remember our birthplace and that Jade is forever Now...

Visit their website for more info.

The Peacockin’ Peacocks


Color: Teal


Openness, acceptance, and self-confidence.

Who Are They:

The peacock symbolizes all aspects of beauty. Their majestic feathers -“the eyes of the stars”- represent wisdom, kindness, openness and acceptance. The peacock totem brings their iridescence to life with vibrant colors that make you want to dance all day and night. The Peacock’s glorious tail feathers are shed annually and left behind to make way for an even more stunning display. This symbolizes our power to renew our individuality and flaunt our ever-evolving beautiful energies.These noble birds walk with a "strut” of self-assurance and have a voice so loud everyone can hear. This extroverted tribe is here to bring out your inner peacock, encouraging your self-confidence and pride. Be prepared to be greeted with a wholehearted embrace and endless compliments to illuminate that deserving ego. This totem is a reminder to not take ourselves too seriously and celebrate our beautiful individuality. So shake your tail feathers and strut your stuff you peacockin’ peacocks.

Visit their website for more info.

Golden Buffalo


Color: Gold


Dedicated, Authentic, & Committed

Who Are They:

This is a Totem Tribe for the Lucidity Festival dedicated to leaving no trace and accomplishing the goal of leaving Live Oak Campground better than when we arrived As we unite & share our love for Music & Art, let us also gather for the love of our Mother Earth. This camp will represent Leave No Trace, leaving the camp grounds better than when we showed up. It is important to be conscious of the trash we leave, the food we spill..all the way down to the plants we may crush as we walk/ dance around. Rumbling like thunder o'er the prairie, Great herds of abundance, sharing with man, I need your knowledge to meet life's challenges, To survive and move on with my plans. Buffalo/Bison's medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honoring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world. Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace among all beings. Ask the universe for help, and be thankful for the gifts brought to you. Don’t be forceful or pushy, follow the easiest path. Buffalo will bestow you with strength of character and an free independent spirit. Buffalo teaches us that true prosperity comes when we are grateful for what we have and when we live in harmony and love with every body and being contained within the universe. You will live like buffalo when you know that abundance is present and when ALL relations are honored and known as sacred, when you express gratitude for all parts, all aspects of creation. The story of the White Buffalo Woman originates from the Lakota people, she taught them that all things are inter connected and that it is not necessary to struggle to have abundance. The one thing that is necessary, however, is to be connected with Spirit. Buffalo's relationship to the Native American People of the USA highlights these lessons. Every part of this animal was used, right down to the hooves, which were used to make glue. Buffalo gave others the gift of life by sacrificing its own. Food and hides for clothing and shelter were provided. Prior to a buffalo hunt, prayers of gratitude were offered up to great spirit by the tribes. Post hunt, ceremonies were performed that honored the buffalo's spirit. Without the buffalo these tribes would not have survived the harsh winters. This is just one lesson of abundance - use whatever resources are available. On a deeper level, one must appreciate what one already has. How often do you focus on what is lacking in your life rather than counting your blessings? How much richer are our lives when we are truly thankful MEANINGFULLY for what we have? This sends out a powerful message to the universe.

Visit their website for more info.

Fearless Crow


Color: Blue / Black


Insightful, Transformational, & Magical

Who Are They:

This tribe celebrates our Celtic roots and Irish charm and like the Crow we have migrated to foreign shores. The Crow is fearless, audacious and is also associated with the archetype of the trickster. Our color is black with tints of blue depending on the light shining on it. The Crow carries the energy of life and the power for deep inner transformation.

Visit their website for more info.

The Psychedelic Serpent

Serpentine Apotheosis

Color: Fuchsia


Colorful Guardian

Who Are They:

Serpents are colorful creatures, "painted & tattooed" by nature and so what better a totem for a body painting camp. There are estimated to be at least 2700 species of snakes on the planet with an astounding variety of beautiful colors & patterns. Serpents are important in nature, & more beneficial than harmful (only a few hundred species - less than 15% - are poisonous to humans). They are considered to be wise & even divine in some cultures, because of their abilities to heal, to expand consciousness. Asclepius, the God of medicine and healing, carried a staff with one serpent wrapped around it: Modern doctors & pharmacies still use this symbolism today. Serpents are represented as potent guardians of temples and other sacred spaces.

Visit their website for more info.

Hooch House Brown Bear


Color: Brown


Nurturing, Strong, and Corageous

Who Are They:

We are the Hooch House a tribe of bear spirit children. The bear teaches us to be true to ourselves and seek transformation from within. We are natural healers courageous and strong. Our love is like that of the mother, unconditional, benevolent and menacing. By loving our true-selves we are able to deepen our love for others. We seek beauty and strength in all our relations. By finding inspiration through all paths of life we can teach others how to love themselves and flourish. It is only through knowing, surrender and love that the universe will unveil itself. Invoke the bear for transformation, for strength and for wisdom. Be the bear and dance the night away with out a care, discovering the love that surrounds you. What We Offer: We want to create healing environments free of religious dogmas. Bear caves that exude comfort and warmth, filling the heart with honey. Scattered throughout lucidity will be a few Hooch House curated bear caves. These glowing abodes will each manifest there own unique identity. These caves will serve as community space where a small groups can engage the bear spirit with there own energy. The bear sprit is here for a meandering pair of lovers, a raucous group of friends, or the lonely lucid wanderer. Find the time to escape from the festival, hibernate while sending your wishes up into the heavens to play with the spirits. The bear totem is here for you, strong and loving it reminds us to act with our heart and dance to the beat of our own drum.

Visit their website for more info.

The Hive 5 Honey Bees

Hive 5 Logo

Color: Honey


Community minded, intergalactic Cross-pollinators of new thought and revelry. We serve the queen: Our collective consciousness.

Who Are They:

Hive 5 is an environmentally-mindful collective of Burners and Santa Barbara Music Phreaks who push a good vibe for each other, and the greater festival Spirit. The Hive is centered around a 30 foot dome that offers fantastic ambiance and a most relaxing chill-space. Stop by during the day for a flow-toy jam or yoga class, visit us in the evening to savor our bee-autiful light display, or throw down some moves during one of our impromptu, live DJ-buzzing dance parties. 2013 marks year 6 of our annual Saturday Night Hive festival cocktail party. Stop by Saturday around sundown in your favorite bee-inspired attire and remember to bring your reusable cup.

Visit their website for more info.

Social Butterflies

social butterflies

Color: pink


group oriented, social, outgoing nature, metamorphosis, creative, transformation

Who Are They:

The Ventucky Burners and friends are transforming into the Social Butterflies. We have friendships that have developed over the past 35 years. They have all experienced metamorphosis... and stayed close friends with pure acceptance and love, and have taken in new family members since; we range in ages 21-75 (since Burningman '97.) We have a pretty large Tribe, consisting of Ventura, Ojai, and LA burners. Come visit our black-light gallery and enjoy the metamorphosis experienced through the beauty of art, creativity, and genuine fellowship.

Visit their website for more info.

Mythic Moths

mythic moth

Color: Indigo


transformation, stillness and listening, balance, enLightenment

Who Are They:

Moth will help in each transition and show how to adapt to the new surroundings. He will teach you to find your own light as a beacon in the direction you should go. Moth will teach how to be still, rest and listen and balance your being. In finding your own light clarity in the moment of darkness will be found and your sensitivity to Spirit increases. We are offering an environment for people to experience the moth archetype within themselves. Through creative self expression and deep relaxation, visitors of this camp find paths to the light in the darkness, and emerge from their cocoon humbled by the uniqueness of their experience. The following offerings are available to participants: and exchange station (trade/barter items), a Light/Dark room (photography play), and a relaxation space.

Visit their website for more info.

Phasmatis Apparatus

Mantis 00.35.46

Color: Hunter Green


Robotic, Alien, Devotion, Patience and Divine Timing.

Who Are They:

Our goal is to get people excited about creation through destruction! Much like the old television show "battlebots" we will have a small 4ftx4ftx4ft "battlebox" which will contain all the action of 2 drivers controlling their battling robots in real time in a timed match. We will gladly accept volunteer drivers and give them a chance to practice before the match begins. We will be happy to answer any questions about building your very own and be a part of this amazing community. Our group is composed of farmers, pole dancers, Djs, and engineers all who have built and competed their very own combat robot. We welcome anyone and everyone!

Visit their website for more info.

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