Lucid Reflections and Awakened Observations Manifested in Lucidity

Editor’s note: One of the many cherished qualities of Lucidity is that all are welcome. Whether you have been with our precious family for years or just planned your first pilgrimage to Moon’s Eye View, know that our arms are opened regardless.

The following content shares the story of a first-timer at Lucidity. Meet Jordan Hamilton, an M.A. Candidate for Positive Organizational Psychology & Evaluation at Claremont Graduate University.

This piece is part of a greater social science research conducted by Hamilton with personal mementos that are as touching as they are informative. While he reflects on his experience, we too are granted the opportunity to ruminate vicariously through Jordan. Read Jordan’s findings in greater detail here.

Photo by Parker Garland

Lucidity began as a dream. A lucid dream.

Where co-creators met on the astral plane to manifest a container for collective transformation through radical self-expression.

Rising Dawn marked the 7th reality of this dream. Each year thousands of individuals migrate to this congregation where old souls from all walks of life can dance together.

This was my first transformational festival.

I had attended Coachella a number of years prior and was turned off after having an experience that lacked substance and depth. My intention at Lucidity was to observe and study. To try and discover what made the festival work.

Was the festival indeed transformative and if so, how? Little did I know that I would be thrown into the flames of transformation myself.

Photo by David Anderson Jones

To begin, Lucidity is a reality that may be hard for most to fathom.

A space where individuals are allowed to dress and act as they see fit, move how they wish to move, and be whoever they wish to be. The rules appeared to be simple; respect and love one another, honor the earth and elements, and express your gifts with others.

Upon entering the festival there was a subtle shift in the atmosphere; as if one were stepping into a dream. My immediate impulse was to establish roots. To set up my tent and a base.

I was promptly greeted by strangers, soon to be brothers and sisters, who embraced me physically and spiritually. Quickly any anxiety faded and was replaced with a sense of calm and wonder as I set out exploring my surroundings.

Initially I was struck by the wide range of individuals who had chosen to attend the festival.

Photo by DNA Imagery

Neither age nor demographics appeared to be a factor. Despite the apparent differences, there was a common thread of openness to connection that spread throughout. The abundance of smiles, eye contact, and acknowledgement established a sense of community throughout the festival.

As I settled in, my focus began to shift towards observation.

Taking in the festival as objectively as possible, taking note of interactions, workshops, music, and the array of creative fixtures that decorated the camp grounds.

One of the first observations included a man who had gathered a small crowd around him. He was speaking of his native roots and his work with shamanic drumming and the surrounding communities involved.

How he witnessed enemies become friends, entire classes unite and break through barriers through the medium of drums. His presence was captivating. Later in the evening he would step towards the sacred fire, leading as one of the elders in creating the space for Lucidity to unfold.

Photo by David Shadrake

With the aim of observing examples of collective effervescence and transformation, I began to engage in discussions with others, some of who had been attending Lucidity for years. A common theme began to develop; one of a unique community focused on bringing love into the world through radical expression of self.

The next post will reveal a more detailed survey of what Jordan and his colleagues found at Lucidity. Curious isn’t it - how does one ‘study’ a festival? Subjective experience is a difficult endeavor to analyze at all objectively, yet the study does so very well. Follow this series to learn 5 Things That Happened at Lucidity


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