Ethical Deliberations of a Thoughtful Yoga Practice Pt. 2: The ‘Do’s’

Photo by @FishMakesPhotos

We write our own reality into existence through the way we look at the world.

As observed in our last post on the ‘don’ts’ of yoga, or Yamas, we followed some guidelines that may lead us towards a more thoughtful practice. Removing negative instincts and ill-behavior allows us to center the mind and focus on creating a more positive, empowering state of being.

Now we encounter the Niyamas of yoga, which may be understood as the ‘do’s’ that we aim to integrate into our existence. Just as we take our Yamas on and off the mat, we also make space for Niyamas in everyday life.


Niyamas: Observances

Our relationships with our mind sets the tone for every other relationship in our life.

It’s a yogi’s duty to serve this mantra with Niyamas encrypted into the brain. To incorporate these ethics into daily routines ensures awareness, positive introspection, and peace of mind. Niyamas are observances from the third eye; intuitive grasps of fundamental energy.

Photo by Gaby Esensten

Saucha: purity

Saucha can actually be directly translated from sanskrit as “cleanliness.” Just like decluttering a physical space makes it easier to live in, decluttering the mind makes this life easier to operate.

A lot of us spend mindless time focused on insignificant details, like what we look like or who is observing us. Festivals are a time to let it all go and discover pure bliss.

It may be a cliche, but…move like nobody’s watching. Get down and dirty in the purest version of yourself. Be true when setting intentions and purified joy will be rewarded at your will.


Santosha: contentment

Santosha is a meditative state of inner peace. It’s letting go of the past and being satisfactory with the universe’s ever-changing currents.

Many see this as a difficult principle to grasp because the world can seem against you at times, but Santosha is trusting the process and enjoying the ride.

Photo by Brie’Ana Breeze

Things always play out the way they’re supposed to. And even if it’s not possible for you to live this ethic to the fullest extent at this moment in time, everyday is another day closer to true content.

Fall in love with the little things along your way.


Tapas: self-discipline, training your senses

Tapas represents fueling the fire within. There’s a flame waiting to be ignited within all of us. Applying this to Lucidity goes back to the idea that the hardest part of yoga is simply meeting the mat.

Following a night of dancing and self-discovery, sometimes all you want to do is curl up and nap in the tent until noon the next day.

If that’s the best way to avoid injury, then by all means don’t hesitate to take care of yourself. But tapas is the concept that disciplining yourself into growth will, in return, present prosperity.

Nobody became the best at anything by staying behind.

Photo by @FishMakesPhotos

Life begins outside your comfort zone, just always be mindful of healthy limitations to avoid any physical distress that would cause setbacks in the future. In terms of festival yoga, staying extra hydrated and fueled by nutrients is a way to avoid soreness or pulled muscles.


Svadhyaya: self-study, inner exploration

Festivals are a dreamscape in which attendees are guided on a journey into their own minds.

The opportunity to to get in touch with the physical self through movement and dance provides just the right momentum for a significant, spiritual rebirth.

Aside from the dancefloor and yoga classes, Lucidity workshops are silverlined with limitless possibilities of takeaways.

Speakers that come to this festival in particular bring some of the West Coast’s freshest wisdom to the table. Hearing their knowledge can be life-changing if you interpret messages in the deepest way.

Photo by @FishMakesPhotos

Take a moment to acknowledge the deeper meaning of what it all means to you. One of the greatest things about community gatherings is that they pave the way to self-love if you’re looking in the right places.


Ishvara Pranidhana: surrender

And alas, it’s true; all good things come to an end. The Moon’s Eye View saga of Lucidity will pass just as quickly as it snuck up on us. So make the most of every minute of your time at Live Oak Campground.

You only get one chance to do this life right, so surrender to all the hard work that was put into creating every aspect of it. Surrender to love, to the divine truth, and ultimately to yourself.

Become at ease with the universe, and an easy road to contentment will present itself. All of these ethics are interrelated and reflect one another’s beauty. Surrender to the Yamas and Niyamas, and you will be in touch with your higher self.

Learn more about all the yoga offerings at Lucidity or how to get involved and lead a workshop!

Grab your tickets right here!


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