Traverse Hall

Impact Fee WHAT?….Yes, be an Earth Steward with us!

Operation: Tread Lightly /Earth Stewardship Fund Parking Impact Fee: Who does this affect? Why is there a fee? What happens to the money? You may have heard that this year we have a new parking policy at Live Oak Camp. For those of you that will be driving a vehicle to the venue, unless you have purchased a car camping pass, EVERY VEHICLE will be asked to pay $20 to…Read More

Ride to Lucidity & Reduce our Carbon Footprint

Ride to Lucidity & Reduce our Carbon Footprint

Lucidity Festivals is proud to announce our new off-site shuttle program! Tickets are on sale at There are pick-ups in San Diego, LA, San Fransisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, and San Luis Obispo. Stay tuned for details about local pick-ups in the Santa Barbara area. Kick back in comfort, meet new friends, and watch a documentary about Lucidity, all while helping to reduce the carbon footprint of this awesome festival! Tickets…Read More

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