Tim Thompson - Space Palette

Tim Thompson is a software engineer, musician, and installation artist. After working for Bell Labs and AT&T (20 years) and NetApp (9 years), he moved on to wide-ranging artistic work which includes a programming language for MIDI (KeyKit), interactive installations at Burning Man and other festivals (a 12-foot lyre, an 11-foot monolith, an antique radio), musical performances with Playstation dance pads and QWERTY keyboards, visual performances using multitouch pads (pre-iPhone), and realtime video looping and processing with a handheld security camera (LoopyCam). The website timthompson.com documents these and other works, including a collection of web-based algorithmic music toys. Recently, Tim is focused on the expressive potential of three-dimensional input, using devices such as the Microsoft Kinect. For Lucidity 2014, Tim is bringing the latest version of his Space Palette - a musical and visual instrument that lets you play music and paint visuals simultaneously by waving your hands in the holes of a wood frame, as though you are using several three-dimensional mousepads hanging in mid-air. No pre-recorded media, sequences, or loops are used - you create both the musical notes and visuals in realtime by the Tai Chi-like motion of your hands. It is a uniquely multi-dimensional, immersive and creative experience.


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