Lance Katcher

Spirits, circle sapiens, human spirits, aliens, other dimensions, mother earth, life , death, dogs, gods, animals, all intelligent energy life humans can not see, hear, or feel .I have seen, I have heard , I have felt. I can see them as thick air masses, in human and serpent forms, strange looking animals and small energy balls of air.Flesh and body being spurred by them, transforming into anything and hen transferred to the art. All material objects become alive when their energy life takes to them, The spirit ( super intellegent yet Mid Evil in some of their way’s, this pure energy I talk with claims to be just one of the insurmountable forces that is the gods of this planet, the original settlers of earth, the intelligent energy that is. They are around us always in these other dimensions and realms. OUR history, which is controlled in most ways by them just playing games , humans just for their entertainment and imaginations… Imagine that ??? , mischievous and more is the best word for them . I ask them in question of, friend or foe ,Both is the answer, control of mind and body, pain, fun, laughing remorse, love hate, humiliation, humility loss of love, trust, happiness, crying , death, freedom, discoveries of self life, talents, respect earned or demanded, excitement, threats of arrogance are all part of the story.,TRUTHS are questionable for I do not know if I am being told the truth I come to conclusions about facts that I think are true and then she, he, they it, tell me it is whatever I believe. Because I Believe that it is true !!! and that is a mistruth because what I believe is not always true… Confusing ?, You have no Idea. What are the rules of engagement ? What ,why and when, eloquent speeches of rhyme and reason music, and chants. Defining terms, jealousy, winning, losing, being fair and just, and what is the prize that is derived from all my actions of all this ? It is the Art.


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