Born in Israel, raised in Los Angeles Amir is a world Traveler surrounded by Families and tribes supporting his work and Play.
The underlying theme in Amir Magal’s art is always one of fluid movement.
A Mirror Image is a word play and the essence of What Amir’s art/photography conveys, reflecting each person beauty and dance.
Amir also co-founded Natural Leaders Foundation and currently brings his unique expressions with our children as a Gaurdian and mentor.
You may see Amir painting, doing capoeira, sculpting with mud or just surrounded by a pack of kids exploring and creating their moments.
With the moment at hand, Amir is working on “Tribal Sessions” reflecting how all generations are seeking to be part of a tribe and claim Identity. a photo series
“Uniting the Tribes one mark at a time.”
Amir Facilitates The Art of balance , breath, creativity, movement.
Join Amir Magal of Amirimage and Tribal Markings each night around 11:11pm at the Live TV in Family Garden.
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