Apply For a Lucid University Courseweek Scholarship Now

We’re awarding SIX FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to Lucid University Courseweek
+ a handful of partial scholarships!

Last year, we unveiled Lucid University Courseweek, a pre-festival education program. It was a huge success, with 130 students from all over the country spending a powerful few days of learning on-site before the festival started. Read one participant’s experience here!

In the first iteration, we offered five different courses in the broad topics of SpiritWorks, CommunityWorks, EcologyWorks, CreativeWorks, and BodyWorks. This year, we’re expanding into SIX curriculum tracks with the addition of InnovationWorks.

Explore this year’s offerings HERE.

We really believe this is a unique opportunity for our community. For all those who desire to grow, to learn, to up-level their world, we want to make it possible. Our badass international faculty isn’t hidden in some ivory tower, no sir!

It’s always been important to us to open our doors to our programs open to everyone. To this end, we’re proud to announce a SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY. (It’s not a competition, it’s a co-opertition!). 

We’ll choose a full scholarship winner based on their answers to the questionnaire and we’ll select a handful of partial scholarship recipients as well.

This contest application period will remain open until 11:59pm on Jan. 23rd. And winners will be announced shortly after.

Don’t know which course is right for you? Explore below:

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