What incredible transits we are living through right now. Anyone who is lucid, aware, dialed in to the energies of our cosmology, if you’re reading this, likely you are into exploring realms of... Read more
The discovery we experience at festivals is immeasurable. As a group of friends and as a community, our camaraderie strengthens with every encounter, connection, and exchange. As spirit seekers we... Read more
In many cases, thinking about music festivals may bring about visions. Visions of the outdoor stages, music, performers, laser light shows, and everything that makes the party. Not everyone expects... Read more
Lucidity holds such a deep space of love in my heart. I have grown with its essence and community since its birth about eight years ago. By the time April arrives each year, I feel this long... Read more
This is a special offer for you Now, reminding you to be in the moment. It’s set to show up intermittently, so you may not see it again. Use Promocode: INTHEMOMENTNOW to get $11.00 off your Lucidity Ticket!