Lucidity is a magical place where every corner offers a space to elevate your consciousness. It can be inspirational, emotional, “dancey”, just plain silly, and educational. It has so much... Read more
Community Nourishment, Nourishing Community Breaking Bread, Bread and Salt, The Agape Meal, Eucharist, Seder etc.; all religions, races and communities, in all places around the world, eat together... Read more
By Melissa Ilana Cohen, Lucidity Mindful Feeding Maven (This article was first published in April, 2013.) You can experience the nourishing food provided by our Mindful Feeding Program. Purchase... Read more
This is a special offer for you Now, reminding you to be in the moment. It’s set to show up intermittently, so you may not see it again. Use Promocode: INTHEMOMENTNOW to get $11.00 off your Lucidity Ticket!