Editor’s note: Below you will find a lesson in surrender. A reminder to let go sometimes. Give yourself to the journey knowing…no! Trusting, that you’ve just committed to a path. No... Read more
The discovery we experience at festivals is immeasurable. As a group of friends and as a community, our camaraderie strengthens with every encounter, connection, and exchange. As spirit seekers we... Read more
There's a LOT to learn translating lessons from Lucidity Festival to our Lucid University project. We interview Alison Hensley to find out... Read more
Transformation can take place in many different ways at a music festival. Whether you learn something new from a workshop, deepen your yoga practice with a new pose or take the time to extend a... Read more
He was a Senior Animator with Disney, Sony and Warner Bros. during the Second Golden Age of Animation contributing his artistry to Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Lion King, The... Read more
Continuing with our interview from Thomas and Laurel, who will lead the Lucid Dreaming Intensive, we explore what lucid dreaming is, how dreaming lucidly is as important as living lucidly, and common... Read more
This is a special offer for you Now, reminding you to be in the moment. It’s set to show up intermittently, so you may not see it again. Use Promocode: INTHEMOMENTNOW to get $11.00 off your Lucidity Ticket!