Lucidity Countdown 2015: Week 1 – Pumpkin

To our excitement, Lucidity is quickly approaching as one of the first festivals of the season, but there is no reason or room for panic! Music is Love is here to help countdown your last days in the real world before you call Live Oak your home for the weekend. Much like last year, Music is Love has invited four artists to prepare their own promotional mix for Lucidity. We will be releasing a mix every week for a month until we are all together in beautiful Santa Barbara. Our first promo mix showcases Pumpkin and his uncanny ability to bring together music lovers from all areas with his “new familiar” sound.

Upon first listen, you will understand that Pumpkin’s sound is synonymous for magic. Think about it — the only time you see swarms of festival goers diverting from their “choice” stage, is during a Pumpkin set. Here is one of the rare locations where we can whiteness house heads, bass enthusiasts, and live music lovers not only coming together, but dancing together. Pumpkin sets have one mission: to make you feel good- really good, and with gratitude we can say that we have never felt any other way before, during, and after.

Personally witnessing Pumpkin’s first show through the Do Lab 4 years ago, he has quickly established himself as not only a favorite DJ to the Do Lab as an organization, but also a choice performer for California transformative festivals throughout the year. Pumpkin, AKA Nick Alvarado, is the guy that was showing you all the coolest bands in high school. The dude who had that new-new on lock. Your first friend digging for music on blogs. The guy you were constantly nagging for mixes. Just so, Pumpkin has some of those most uplifting, fun, and positive jams on lock, never passing up an opportunity to show off some of the best remixes to your favorite indie, rock, hip-hop, funk, and folk tracks. Although Pumpkin’s name is extremely well-known in our festival community, he maintains an image as an underground artist by keeping a relatively low profile. A love for the underground combined with his bank of current and past crowd-pleasing tunes curates a sound that anyone will not only appreciate, but enjoy.

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