Will we see YOU at the Crossroads? [VIDEO]

In every moment we are presented with an opportunity to make a choice, and our choices, combined with the choices of those around us, create fractalized timelines and infinite possible futures. We are co-creators of this reality… remember that! At this Crossroads, in this Now, we hope it is clear that YOUR CHOICES MATTER.

How will you use them?

We hope this little glimpse into the Lucidity Universe gets you as excited for April as we are! See you at the Crossroads!

Video Credits:
“Shapeshifter” by David Starfire

Edited by
Megan Stone

Footage by
Aaron Cyrus Dorr
Abraham Heisler
Be Human
Brian Kubat
DNA Imagery
Flowstate 11
Geoffrey Cowper
Going Furthur Documentary
Jacob Avanzato
Kurt Brending
Marisa Pfenning
Megan Stone
Roy Hathon
Siobhan Shier
Spacemonkey Creative
Spenser Gabin
Teddy Saunders
Wes Wolfbear Pinkham

Animation by
Brian Kubat

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