Dear Lucid Family,

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of an unexpected development. Despite our successful track record at Live Oak Campground for over a decade, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department and California Highway Patrol have not approved our event scheduled for June 28-30. They have cited high fire season concerns and access issues due to the flowing river, which impairs one of our evacuation routes. For these reasons, they have put greater scrutiny on the venue’s capacity by reducing it to far below our expected 4000-5000 attendees.
We understand this may be difficult news and affect you in different ways. We encourage you to take your time in processing it. It took us a moment too. And then continue reading to learn about the silver lining and amazing news of our new venue.
Know that we’ve been working around the clock to find solutions and we are blessed to be able to land at such an epic venue that holds a great amount of nostalgia among our community.
What Happened?
SB County Fire and CA Highway Patrol (CHP) are now requiring engineer-stamped traffic and fire safety plans to continue at Live Oak—requirements we’ve never faced before and were communicated only a few days ago. Additionally, new directives for safety vehicles and personnel from various agencies have compounded the challenge.
We submitted our 2024 Operating Plan months before our event and well before the required due date. Despite months of deliberation and revisions, the suggestion to hire a Traffic Engineer was only communicated on May 28, just two days before our onsite meeting with safety agencies at Live Oak. During this meeting, the suggestion was escalated to a requirement, and multiple additional mandates were introduced.
Despite our best efforts, obtaining engineer-stamped Traffic and Fire Safety reports in such a short time frame is impossible. Additionally, these requirements might only end up supporting a reduced capacity.
We are frustrated and shocked by this late-hour decision, especially given our longstanding relationships with County Supervisors, Parks and Recreation, and the Sheriff’s Department. Santa Barbara is an important piece of the Lucidity tapestry, woven in with our vast amount of local partnerships, relationships with regional farms and our Farm-to-Festival ethos, deep roots embedded in the community with our activism, and more. However, when SB County Fire and the CHP say no, we have no choice but to accept their decision and seek a new venue.
What Does This Mean?
Our Lucid Family has shown remarkable resilience over the past 12 years, and we are determined to continue forward. To address this wrinkle, the team has been working around the clock to find a suitable solution with minimal impact and the best outcome for all, ranging from finding a new location for our June dates, to moving the dates with a new venue, and everything in between.
After weighing all factors, we are thrilled and relieved to identify an amazing venue that is excited to have us. Our new dates are April 25-27, 2025 and our new home will be Lake San Antonio North Shore in Monterey County. The decision to postpone did not come easy. We made every attempt to pivot venues and maintain the same dates; however, we believe you deserve a well-planned, high-quality event that delivers the Lucidity experience you’ve come to love in a safe container.

All tickets will automatically transfer to the new date, so no action is required on your part.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We have faced postponements before, notably during COVID, and emerged stronger. We are confident we can do so again with your support.
Are Refunds Going to be Available?
We encourage you to hold onto your ticket, which will automatically transfer to the new date.
If you wish to request an exception or have further inquiries, please fill out this form.
As per our refund policy:
“In the event of a cancellation or rescheduling of the applicable event, management shall not be required to issue a refund provided that you are given the right, within eighteen months of the date of the original event, to attend a rescheduled performance of the same event or to exchange this ticket for a ticket, comparable in price and location, to another similar event as designated by management except as otherwise provided by law.”
How can YOU help?
- Your continued support and understanding are vital. We understand and share the disappointment and frustration, and together our optimism will carry us forward.
- Share the news with your friends by directing them to this announcement for details.
- Mark your calendars. We’ve found a new home and that’s something to be excited about!
We are committed to overcoming this obstacle as a community. We are grateful to have found the perfect new home for Aurora’s Light, and of course, to reunite with you all soon. We will continue to update everyone as things progress.
In Lucid Solidarity,
The Lucidity Directors and Members

nooooooo this was gonna be my first music festival and I’m from out of town so I was really looking forward to this 😞
So sorry that it didn’t work out, but I promise you it is worth the wait! Especially with it being rescheduled in April when California is so green!
It‘a worth the wait for your first festival <3 so held with intention and love
The April date is much better, I suffered due to the heat last year. Super happy about the new location!
Hey thanks for throwing me a bday party! Happy to celebrate 42 on April 26th with my Lucid Fam. I’m sure this was such a hard decision to make, thank you for making the hard calls and doing what’s best to make sure it’s the perfect event. Does this mean we’ll have water to play in? Floatie party!!!
To be honest, it wasn’t Lucidity’s decision to make. There was a lot of scrambling to find new location when it was decided by officials, for public safety, no-go on the permit which was submitted back in March. Herculean feats were accomplished to find a new venue and dates. It was beautiful to watch what was accomplished in excruciatingly short amount of time. My heart is about to burst, I’m so proud!
Resilience makes us awesomer! April 2025, let’s go!
Have all permits/clearances for the new location been obtained? Just wondering if we’re facing a similar uncertainty with the new venue.
Yooo let’s just go to like oak camp ground and throw our own party!
Moved from SB to NY and have been looking very forward to reuniting with my lucid family this year. Absolutely heart broken from the news. Can’t get a refund on the flight tickets I purchased this year but will try to make the most of my visit regardless. I hope everyone else does the same.
If anyone wants to get together for a campout during this weekend, let me know 🫶🏽
Feel free to come camp out at my spot Splitrock Farm & Retreat Center for free if you’re in the San Diego area at all 🤙
you are rad! <3 what a beautiful vision you have on Splitrock!!!
So happy you are coming to Bradley!!! You will love it 💕
This new venue can be very welcoming to large events. It looks like a very promising site. Yes, Live Oak is a beautiful space. However, this looks like an appropriate time to grow into a bigger space that is more welcoming to Lucidity’s paradigm and vision.
OLD LIB LOCATION!!!!! HEART EYES!!!!! SUCH A MAGICAL LOCATION, Y’ALL!!! So stoked Lucidity is going to bring life back to Lake San Antonio!!!!!!
Will the music lineup be changed?
The no refunds explanation is the most complete crock of horse shit I’ve ever seen
No refunds? Bullshit
Thank you for the tireless efforts-Lucid stewards…. you continue to pour your heart and souls into bringing kindreds together- despite the many seen, and behind the scenes challenges this work presents you. I know as a producer myself and as a long time Lucidity partner that facing these set backs with grace, authenticity, and perseverance takes more resilience, humility, and devotion than anyone who hasn’t been in the positions you have been put in could understand. Thank you for your dedication to bringing the Lucidity Family together year after year- I trust this shift will bring even more magic to next year’s event and to the culmination of the Lucid story arc. Thank you Lucid Family and participants for rolling with the changes and challenges and continuing to reflect the beautiful community we have woven together with your patience and support of this epic event.
April is beautiful @ Lake San Antonio.
Much better than June.. it’s going to be in the 100’s this weekend.
Hey idiots, why did you just charge me $370 for a ticket I DONT WANT AND DIDN’T AUTHORIZE, and I STILL have my 2024 ticket you arent refunding? How many people are you STEALING $700+ from because you messed up your permits? I’m charging back BOTH tickets and NEVER going to your events. You suck.
I don’t want to wait a year nor do I want to go to San Antonio. I want to be refunded for ticket and the parking. ASAP. This is complete fraud, you should be out of the festival business if you can’t refund folks for canceling the event.
This comment aged well
We were told there would be further updates on refunds August 30th. What happened to that communication? If refunds are denied, I guarantee none of my friends will ever attend this festival in the future.
Value transparency but havent even updated the website