Presenting the Official 2016 Crossroads Playlist

To get you more acquainted with our eclectic lineup we’ve put together this incredible 79 track playlist with more flavors than you can taste in a ten course meal. Prepare to walk down memory lane with some musical producers that you’ve long known and loved while at some intersections you’ll find new and different sounds like you’ve never experienced before. With a tried and true recipe and an experimental flair you’d better double-knot those dancin’ shoes or these songs just might sweep you away.

We offer options in both spotify and soundcloud for your listening pleasure.



One thought on “Presenting the Official 2016 Crossroads Playlist

  1. It would be nice if you just made a link directly to the playlist so I can get to it in my own spotify, instead of just the embedded version.

    Also - make it easy for folks to follow you!
    lucidtyfestival on spotify…. =P

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