Crossroads Sampler Playlist

Lucidity Festival is about the adventure and the experience. The travel to the festival, finding a village that resonates with you, and finding your pack of weirdos to roam the land with is all a part of the journey. When you get to Lucidity, there’s so much to experience; multiple stages with vastly different music, multiple lectures and workshops to attend, handfuls of vendors to scope out, and not to mention all of the dancing you have to prepare yourself for. While you’re on your way to the magical site that is Live Oak Campground, you will definitely need some tunes for the journey. As a preface to the festival, we’ve curated a playlist that will be perfect for your journey. Have a little bit of house, glitch, ambient, funk and everything in between for your Lucidity Festival road trip with this quick playlist with 15 of the more than 50 flavors you’ll get to experience with us at the festival.



Featured Photo Credit: // Spencer Weiner


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