The Delicate Art of Not Making Plans

Plan on making no plans
Photo by Winter Creative Co.

The art of not making plans is a delicate one. It requires that you find a balance between reckless and audacious.

Prepare yourself for some really great bad news: you are bound to miss out on something. Life has so much to offer.

Lucidity, like life, is a training ground for being in the flow with all of life’s options. To channel my inner Chopra, there is no “correct way” to live your life. The only correct way is to embrace the current moment you’re experiencing.

Ain’t that a heady little paradox? Check out how it works at Lucidity:

That sunrise set you planned on staying up for on the last night? Missed it.

That new love interest that you were gonna meet for sound healing? Forgot about it.

And the 9AM yoga session? Slept through that.

It’s alright. You’re bound to be delightfully overwhelmed.

Now let me tell you why you’re going to love every minute of it.

From cuddle puddles to interactive art to bass-wobbling bliss, we will find one another immersed in an abundance of novel and enlightening experiences… And we never even planned on being there.

No Plans Indeed
Photo by Edward Clynes

The art of making no plans is a delicate one. It requires that you find a balance between reckless and audacious. Plan on bringing enough shelter and water. That’s a good start!

But try not to overplan. We want to do it all. We want to experience everything, but the reality is that we just can’t.

Believe it or not, this is the good news.

Why? Because every encounter becomes all the more meaningful when you simply take each moment for what it is. Not everything must be experienced but every experience can be everything.

Let me put it this way. Consider all that surrounds you to be waiting for you. It is planning on you. It wants you. In which case, you will be pulled in every direction. So dance with the gravity of your surroundings. 

If you plan on making a list and checking it twice… Please don’t. On your way to a headline set we’ll probably meet, strike up a conversation, and then follow a unicorn (onesie) to a dance circle. At this point we will have become so wildly absorbed in such an opportune moment that we will have become “the new plan.” Trust me.

Photo by Sophia Natalia

Now, don’t get me wrong. If you’re driven to get to that Random Rab yoga set after your morning kombucha, you are doing nothing wrong. My point is that there’s a smorgasbord of offerings at Lucidity and it is way too easy to get… captivated.

So if (when) your plans go out the door, don’t be surprised. Don’t be worried. We’re going to have a beautiful journey.

Remember, the Unexpected is what Living is made of.

At any given time during the course of each day there are over a dozen planned programs. Not to mention innumerable attractions in the mix that are completely spontaneous. Including, but not limited to: unexpected pillow palaces at your neighbor’s campsite, howling at the sunset, or stumbling upon a hidden stage that was set up moments before you walked on by.

You will find that the less you plan, the more you allow. Open your mind to a map that leads you profoundly into foreign territory. The Unknown will soon become Known. Follow the wisp of tranquility that guides you towards places you would not have traveled to otherwise. Lucidity has seven villages! Are you going to schedule appointments to explore each one, or get swept up in the natural flow?

I’m not saying to get lost, but… get lost.

If you must plan, just plan on being.

Lose yourself. Ditch your group. Be un-planned. Make a plan and do everything but the things you planned on doing. You won’t be disappointed. You will be enriched, overjoyed, thankful, uplifted, grounded, and so much more. By allowing yourself to get lost, you might just find yourself!

Photo by Edward Clynes

The choice is yours.

We are all on the path of our own respective adventures wandering the same world. We congregate in a dream to awaken a state of consciousness that becomes lucid. This is where curiosity births discovery and time is unleashed. I implore you to enter this waking state not with expectation, but with intention.

The intention is to expand beyond constraints, limits, and deadlines. [In other words: plans.] You may be surprised to see that improvising your way through Eudaimonia is not only an experience, but also a discovery.

Put on your detective hat and run an investigation into your subconscious. Discover your inner masseuse at the I AM Healing Sanctuary. Eastern medicine might be your new thing. And you certainly won’t find Reiki healers or sound baths at your local CVS Pharmacy. The list goes on. But rather than adding to it, I recommend taking these opportunities as they come.

Be aware of them. Awaken to the potential to learn and the possibility of acquiring knowledge.

If you must plan, just plan on being. Feel free to choose your adventure, but also surrender to  the one you didn’t know was waiting for you.

From the author, Dane Remo: Consider me a thinker and an over-thinker. An analyzer and an over-analyzer. A story teller, an open book, and a listener. Where there is fun to be had you may find me there because if you aren’t enjoying your time you might be wasting it. Cheers!

3 thoughts on “The Delicate Art of Not Making Plans

  1. I love this! Thank you! An artfully expressed reminder to be present and explore our own unknown with abandon not fear it…?

  2. Thank you. I love this article. It’s so true. I’ve never missed a Lucidity from the first year and thus article perfectly well said. My first Lucidity was my first experience and transformation Festival. I look forward to experiencing Lucidity with my two adult children so we can all be together for the last Lucidity in our home town.

  3. That what exactly I do to my self at burning man which I have gone for the past 2yr which will be my 3yr coming up as soon I put my tent up & start stuffing it with stuff I need survive off of for a week of there is put my phone away turn it off put it into my backpack as well the map the schedule all of info that I got handle to when I got my tix at will I dnt now what time it nor day I have no clue what big headliner dj or workshop such are playing or perform the only time I get to now about a certain workshop or who play on what stage is when I come across a sign with all of the names or I simple over hear someone talking about for the last acouple of yrs before that I go to the desert festival or to some deep into the desert gathering I just go with the flow I have everything thing I need to survive off of is in my backpack I can go off-grid for about 3-day I still have stuff extra for my self when I am heading back plus I over pack you may never now what may happen to me or someone I see that really need that extra handle full of cheese-it but when I go to the main I can go about a day or then I need to restock my backpack again my friends call me the line wolf the dirt hippie dnt mine getting dirty what show ever as the desert dweller/narmdic that a desert pirate he not just any pirate that he thow that howl at the moon but meow at burn is my true home

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