Jose Ajpu Munoz

Jose Ajpu Munoz is a Maya Time Keeper, carrier of the new 26000 year sacred calendars, and a guardian of one of the sacred ceremonial Ancient Crystal Skulls. As a time keeper, Jose has traveled the world as messenger for indigenous and non indigenous gatherings bringing messages of Unity Balance, Peace, Joy and Harmony, as Jose says,”We are all indigenous to This Planet. Jose carries Kame Cimi a declared by science ancient Krystal Skull. Jose Teaches the Xuculem Maya fire sacred ceremonies and the sacred ways of utilizing cosmic time with the calendars.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Sacred Maya Calendars and Cosmic Identity

    60 min | Altar of Spirit

    Is an invitation to atendees to remember their virtues of their cosmic Identity and how to utilise those remembered skills to assist humanity restablish Balance Joy Peace Unity and harmony.

  • Healing With Local Plants and Telluric Energies

    75 min | Altar of Earth

    In this workshop Jose will identify cosmic healears and will show them in practice with other attendees how to utilise sacred items such as fire earth water and iar with tools such as feathers incense to heal self and each other.


Festival Locations:

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