Christina Faulk

Christina Faulk is an undergraduate student currently studying psychology at Alliant International University in San Diego. She volunteers as a certified training specialist and facilitator with Interactions for Peace, whose aim is to educate and promote lifelong peaceful problem solving. Christina is a certified community mentor and has experience in restorative practices, conflict resolution and cultural sensitivity training. She is passionate about connecting and cultivating meaningful relationships with others to help make this world a more loving, peaceful and cooperative place.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Self-awareness, Confidence & Cooperation

    60 min | Altar of Fire

    By understanding our feelings, exploring what we believe and the kind of person we want to be, we learn to respect ourselves and others. By knowing our feelings, choices and actions, we collaborate and work as a team. Together we can do what none of us can do alone. Join us in learning how to better understand ourselves and cooperate with others to promote change that we want to see in this world.

  • Communication & Peaceful Problem Solving

    60 min | The Lighthouse

    Many of us have lost the basic skill of just listening, not repeating back what was said, not asking appropriate questions, not thing about how what was said relates to our life, but just listening. Learning how to listen to others and examining and practicing the language of peace and language of conflict, gives us the necessary knowledge and experience to guide peaceful problem solving. An awareness of what escalates and what de-escalates a conflict helps us in all aspects of our lives.


Festival Locations:

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