Xye Kahzm

Xye studied Thai Massage in Thailand in 2015.

They lived abroad in Taiwan from 2014-2017, studying Traditional Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Medicine, & Qi Gong. They have recently returned to the U.S. and are planning their next move to Vancouver, Britsh Columbia next summer to continue & begin their studies of Chinese, Qi Gong, Chinese Medicine, Linguistics, & Tuina (Chinese Medical Massage).

They also hold a B.S. in Neuroscience with an emphasis in Phamacology.

Xye is patient, kind, & caring. Please feel free to ask them any questions doing your session.


  • Reflexology
  • Shiatsu/Acupressure
  • Thai Yoga Massage

Healing Description

Thai massage, qi gong, Chinese medicine acupressure, reflexology, aroma therapy with essential oils

Festival Locations:

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