Ever since she was young, Nicolette knew that healing would be the path that she’d follow. In 2014, she became a certified Massage Therapist with a focus on Neuromuscular Therapy. In 2017, she was blessed to be able to study healing techniques with Natives here in the U.S., with Balians in Indonesia, and with Ayurvedic doctors in India. She has studied and practiced energy work for over 8 years. Her technique is uniquely stitched together with influences of Reiki, Light Energy, Channeling, and calling in the Spirits of Nature. She is currently offering Energy Work, Motivational Communication (helping you reach a place of peace within your mind), as well as Oracle Card readings for guidance, Crystal placement to help balance energies, and possibly some hands-on bodywork. The intention of these sessions is to create space for your Mind and Spirit to heal and grow. A vital component of healing that is often overlooked. Folks tend to want massages, but not do the mental work to make sure aches and pains don’t become chronic. She is excited to share this work and light with the world and would be more than happy to help you! She wishes you nothing but Love, Mitakuye Oyasin!