Tehya Sky

Tehya Sky walked away from a successful career in the music industry to dedicate herself to inner work and the call to help others find greater meaning in life. Today, Sky is an author, metaphysical guide and healing facilitator who offers retreats and workshops internationally. Her work focuses on helping us integrate our humanity and our divinity and honor our unique callings. Her bestselling book A Ceremony Called Life: When Your Morning Coffee Is as Sacred as Holy Water was recently published by Sounds True. For more, visit tehyasky.com.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Presentation: A Ceremony Called Life

    60 min | Lucid University

    What does it mean to live all of life as "ceremony," as "the spiritual practice itself?" Why don't we already do it, and how may we begin to orient ourselves into this sacred way of daily life, where the mundane and the challenging are just as prized as the profound and the blissful? In this talk, Sounds True author of "A Ceremony Called Life: When Your Morning Coffee Is as Sacred as Holy Water" and metaphysical guide Tehya Sky guides us into considering how we may live the expanse of our human lives as sacred ceremony, as a ritual worth giving all of our attention and appreciation to; and how we may work with each moment of life to uncover the gifts that are before us.


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