
Moose, a Bay Area native, works hard and plays even harder! His interest in fire spinning kindled 7 years ago, and has been a burning aspect of his life since. You can often find him stoking his craft at any of the various fire gatherings, festivals and shows. Moose’s easygoing attitude can be seen in his performance; as you witness his smooth control you can bask in his glow of light-hearted pleasure-rarely is he seen without a grin on his face.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Intermediate Poi - Spiral Wraps & Orbitals

    60 min | Lucid University

    Learn some of the most fun and visually please poi patterns and variations! We will cover the basics of how to get in to Spiral Wraps and Orbitals and creating beautiful spinning lights that float int he air. From there, we'll step in to different variations of how to move with them and other fun tricks.


Festival Locations:

Scheduled Appearances: Check Schedule for all event times.

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