Chloe Bee

Chloe Bee holds frogs as a medicine animal guide for the love of encouraging humans to be a prismatic rainbow, to be adaptable, to be there own medicine, and be grounded in harmony with Mother Earth. With positive influence from her passion to build a healthy body, mind, and spirit & and the human right to a stable climate, she intentionally acts as a catalyst for social change.

She is the generator of a heart-centered community hub for the alliance of ethnobotany, artistic expression, cultural diversity, festival culture, psychedelic art, Earth-first thinking, and HERBALISM via transformative workshop facilitation.  Presently thriving on community-expressed needs for the cultivation of plant wisdom, ecstatic dance, and meaningful ritual. Rainbow Bliss Botanicals and Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs are two of my current projects that strive to integrate consciousness, ceremony, botanical medicine, and sacred dance through honoring the divine intelligence between people and plants

Workshops & Presentations

  • Wise Woman Womb Botanicals: Crystal Contraception

    90 min | Goddess Grove

    A course in herbal and natural contraceptive methods for incredibly effective and pleasant alternatives to westernized birth control. We will discuss the history and scientific findings of herbal supplements and contraceptive methods, emmenagogues, tracking methods and more, to discover a reliable system our ancestors have been using for ages.

  • Make your own Dream Pillow: Sacred Plants for Lucid Consciousness

    90 min | Healing Sanctuary

    The ethno-botany of Central America and Africa is abundant in sacred and ancient phyto-oneirogens: plants used ritually for exploration and divination within the dream realm. From Calea zachatechichi of the Chontol to Sinicuichi of the Aztec to Silene capensis of the Xhosa; humans express a biological and mystical desire to enhance the lucidity of dream phenomena. Learn about cultural practices, safe usage, and the sorcerous beauty of wise oneiric plants, essential oils, and resins. Together we craft dream pillows after the interactive lecture with wild-harvested Mugwort and other magiKal herbs and flowers.

Scheduled Appearances: Check Schedule for all event times.

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