Abuela Luna (Grandmother Luna)

Abuela Luna es mujer medicina, terapeuta holistica, maestra de meditacion y hipnoterapia integral. Directora del Portal de Luz en Mount Shasta donde la gente encuentra un centro espiritual de sanción y reconexion interior. Abuela Luna con su sabiduría ancestral guía ceremonias usando plantas medicinales y sagradas . Encuentras a abuela luna en radio Germinal (http://radiogerminal2015.radiostream321.com/) compartiendo su conocimiento .

[English translation]

Abuela Luna is a medicine woman, holistic therapist, meditation and hypnotherapy facilitator. She is the director of Portal de Luz in Mount Shasta, were people will find a spiritual center and connection with the divine. Abuela Luna with her ancestral wisdom facilitate various ceremony’s with the assistance of sacred plant medicine. Find Abuela Luna on Germinal Radio sharing her knowledge (http://radiogerminal2015.radiostream321.com/)  

Medicine or Calling

La mejor medicina es la medicina de la mente: tener pensamientos positivos, palabras positivas y acciones positivas.

Segunda medicina: Aya

Tercera medicina: La observacion interna personal y el contexto que me rodea.

[English translation]

The best medicine is the medicine of the minds, to have positive thoughts, positive words and positive actions.

Second medicine: Aya

Third: Observing my internal being and the context that surrounds me

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