Digital Rust

“Digital Rust is one of the leading emerging artists in low tempo dance music, as his tracks are featured in many DJ sets, and his live performances always exceed expectations as he unloads fresh tunes on the crowd. This humble producer clearly has more potential than the vast majority of the flash in the pan, hyped up, bandwagon jumping copycats constantly flooding your ears. Modifying the face of glitch hop and mid-tempo as we know it, Digital Rust keeps his beats funky and rolling while his signature bass rattles your sternum. His distinct style is an instant indicator of audible artistic expression, as he carves frequencies and rides the line between slamming peak time bass and heady layered glitch.”

Digital Rust has played clubs and festivals across the world, with particularly epic performances at Burning Man, Envision Festival, Earth Frequency, Regrowth and Lucidity Festival, alongside some of his favorite fellow artist’s like Tipper, Opiuo, Andreilien, Bogtrotter and many more.


Festival Locations:

Scheduled Appearances: Check Schedule for all event times.

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