Dream Council

A SpiritWorks Offering

Join Emakhet Uru for this SpiritWorks Intensive. Inspiring creativity, healing, and community connection through the language and culture of the dreamtime as we deepen into dream recall, interpretation, incubation and council process. Activities Include: Guided Visualization, Dream Storytelling, Group Dreaming Practice, Dream Improv, Creating Ritual Tools, Dream Recall Techniques, Ancestral Dreaming, Art Therapy, Nightmare Counseling, Calling in Dream Guides, Dream Animal Medicine, and Group Interpretation Techniques.

  • Improve your Dream Recall
  • Learn Practices for Council-Based Dream Interpretation
  • Foster a relationship with the Dreamtime
  • Communicate with Dreams through Art and Ritual
  • Overcome Nightmares
  • Explore the Archetypes of Dreams
  • Experiment with Group Dreaming
Hone your dream sense, bring back messages to the light of day, sit in council with other dreamers and learn how to most effectively and authentically share your visions.

Improve Recall & Interpretation

Learn techniques to improve your dream recall and call in the types of dreams you wish to have. Learn how to decipher the messages of your dreams and how to integrate their meaning into your life.

Dream Ritual

Dreaming is a ritual and when you treat it as such it will respond with magic. Learn how to communicate with the dreamtime through art, ritual, and archetypes.

Explore Your Consciousness

Dreaming is a powerful practice of exploration, of your own innerspace, and of mysterious dreamtime realms. Use dreams for healing, to overcome nightmares, and to learn more about your guides and allies.

Meet the Instructor(s) For the Week

  • Emakhet Uru

    Emakhet is the the visionary founder of Dream Council. She’s passionately devoted to the dream practice, and offers her service to the community as council facilitator, wisdom keeper, priestess and oracle. She holds a free Dream Council call every Sunday in which she’s hosted countless dreamers from all over the world. She works one-on-one with people interpreting dreams and collaborates to find creative action based on dream information that brings a holistic healing. Emakhet feels called to participate at Lucid University because she’s in big support of new educational organizations that see the value in dream teaching, permaculture awareness, healing of the body, etc. She’s attended Lucidity and participated in various ways, and feels it is her purpose to share and teach what she has learned on her dreamwalk so far.