Join Bryan Arturo and Shayna Gladstone of NuMundo and Earth Journeys for this CommunityWorks Intensive. Community is often the “invisible” foundation needed for planetary change, and integral to the process of community building is the work of cultivating regenerative relationships. It is through understanding and healing the connections of our own web of relationships from 1 on 1, to community, that creates the soil for our seeds to grow. The threads that weave our connectivity during this course will come in many forms from honoring our pain for the world, harvesting our collective wisdom, group decision making, co-creative organizational development models to network, and movement building. Through the experiential practice of community building we will be showcasing frameworks, tools, practices and facilitation techniques that can be applied to any context. Walk away from this course with deep friendships, potential collaborators and empowerment to facilitate groups of your own in a healthy, holistic and emotionally intelligent way.
Network Weaving
Healthy communities learn to acknowledge and honor our interconnections. Through engaging exercises and practices we will explore how best to illuminate the connections, skillsets, and relationships that exist among us that will support the greater functioning of the collective.
Collective Wisdom & Group Decision Making
We believe that having many voices to draw on contributes to greater depth and a richness of culture and perspective. While it may be more challenging to navigate and facilitate groups in process, the outcome is almost always more complete and resilient than those that come from individual deciders. We will explore best practices for harvesting collective intelligence and facilitating group process.
Empower the People, Heal the Planet.
We will share a variety of tools, frameworks, and practices designed to empower you as facilitators in any context. We intend to support you in developing confidence to step powerfully into a place of community leadership so that you can organize with others who share your values, visions, and commitments. We trust you will use these gifts in service to the healing of the planet.
Meet the Instructor(s) For the Week
Bryan Arturo & Shayna Gladstone
Shayna and Bryan, and the entire Numundo team, are natural networkers, community builders and communicators who are energized by supporting individuals and groups in working and living effectively together. Through working with ecovillages and land regeneration projects around the world they have seen and felt the positive benefits created from shared resources, knowledge, skills and connections that the world needs in this critical time. Cultivating relationships that feel nourishing because there are shared visions, values, and agreements allow for individual empowerment and the development of regenerative relationships. They feel called to support Lucidity because they are long-running allies and we all know that working together will generate win-win situations. Lucidity Festival is ideal for attendees to make big life transitions, experience community living, connect in a heart space and let go of non-serving patterns.