David Petit

David is a Certified Massage Therapist with the CAMTC (cert#29571) that practices a Japanese-Hawaiian healing modality called Dan Zan Ryu Restorative Therapy (formally known as Okazaki Restorative Massage). The therapy that is primarily accomplished through deep-tissue massage as well as poultices and liniments. He has been studying since 2009 and professionally practicing since 2012. His primary teachers have been Professor Robert Hudson, L.Ac. (www.profhudson.com) and Dr. Jay Kalisec, D.C. David is also a CA licensed EMT-B, though he hopes there will be no need for that knowledge at the festival.


  • Deep Tissue
  • Myofascial Release
  • Shiatsu/Acupressure

Healing Description

David practices Dan Zan Ryu Restorative Therapy, a Japanese-Hawaiian approach to healing that was synthesized 100 years ago in Hawaii. His typical approach to healing is to provide deep-tissue massage therapy with poultices and liniments to create an environment is that is conducive to healing within the body. David applies deep oscillating pressure to the joints and along the muscles and lines of the nerves and meridians in the body.

Festival Locations:

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