Arya has certificates of study from Rupanuga Vedic College and helped open the Bhagavat-vidyapitham at Govardhana Hill in India, an esoteric sanskrit school elucidating the most confidential depths of a soul’s intimate relationship with the Source. He is also the publishing director for Rupanuga Vedic College Publishing and is a disciple and secretary to His Holiness Danavir Goswami, the worlds leading authority in Jyoti (cosmological) Vedic Literature and a direct disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
- Aromatherapy: Gem, Flower or Herb Essence
- Soul/Spirit Energywork
- Sound Healing
Healing Description
Self care is the new healthcare. The body heals it self. Plant medicine and transcendental wisdom assist the journey.