Join Permaculture expert, Loren Luyendyk and inspiring guest teachers in this interactive Intro to Permaculture Design Course. Permaculture Design is the art and science of creating and maintaining abundant human managed systems. This course is an introduction to Permaculture, with special focus on designing social and ecological systems that regenerate the Earth.
We will learn and share, and get our hands dirty repairing the Earth. We will create community, to create abundance… and then we will dance!
More information about Mr. Luyendyk can be found at Santa Barbara Organics.
- Maintaining abundant systems
- Designs with Art and Science
- Social Permaculture Principles
- Regenerating the Earth
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About the Instructor(s)
Loren Luyendyk
Loren Luyendyk has over 16 years of practical experience in Permaculture Design, ecological farming, sustainability, and horticulture. He has a degree in Botany from UC Santa Barbara, and is a Certified Arborist and Master Gardener. He is a Registered Teacher of Permaculture from the Permaculture Research Institute Australia, has training and experience with Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Natural Building, Biodynamic Farming, and The Soil Foodweb.
His studies and teaching have taken him across the globe, where he has spent extensive amounts of time sharing and learning with local cultures. Loren has taught permaculture in the USA, Central America, New Zealand, and Australia.
Loren is the owner and operator of Santa Barbara Organics, a permaculture design and land management business through which he designs and installs permaculture systems for residential and agricultural lands.
Loren is inspired by Nature, and works to provide for humanity’s needs by creating community around regenerating the earth.
Art Ludwig
Art Ludwig is the author of Water Storage and Create an Oasis with Greywater, two books that can be found on most any permaculture designer’s bookshelf. Art Ludwig is an ecological systems designer with 28 years full-time experience in water, wastewater systems, energy, shelter and human powered transport. His specialty is complex, integrated “systems of systems.” Art has studied and worked in 22 different countries, consulted for the states of New York and New Mexico on water reuse policy, and given dozens of lectures and workshops.
He designed his own education in Ecological Systems Design, graduating from UC Berkeley. At Berkeley, he developed the first cleaners specifically designed to be biocompatible with plants and soil, and founded a successful business to manufacture and distribute them.
Art currently lives with his family near Santa Barbara, surrounded by over 20 different kinds of fruit trees.
Connor Jones
Connor Jones is a certified permaculture designer and teacher with a lifelong fascination for ecology, anthropology, and traditional food systems. As a child he marveled at the wonders of nature in immersion with it and in small assembled ecosystems created at home. Later in life farming, and his love for ecology began to merge with the introduction to permaculture design. His discoveries led him to the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia at the age of 18 where he became certified to design and teach. Since then he has founded East End Eden a 10 acre family operated permaculture demonstration site in Ojai, California where he teaches regular workshops and offers mentor-ship opportunities through farm work trade positions. East End Eden is also a nursery for varied perennial crops well suited to the bio-region. Connor also has a permaculture design and consulting company that offers clients sound advice for improving their yields and land value through applied ecological design.