The Lovers Nest is the land of the Loving Doves and our village color is Red. As Lovers we honor all our relations and We are blessed by the planet Mercury, the planet of communication and travel. In Buddhist and Vedic culture, Mercury is the deity of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Bless our travels to reunite with our gifts, as Lovers Nest Village welcomes you and into the festival grounds.

Embodying the benevolent Dove, Lovers Nest is a village of mindfulness and grace, invoking the feminine power of giving, the prophecy and new beginnings.

We are the way of Love, gentleness, new ideas, purity, peace, family values, and friendship. We hold a centered calmness, tranquility, support, assistance, and create new relationships. We find peaceful transition from difficulty opportunities for transformation through our sexual energy, intimate relationships and creativity.

We welcome you to heart centered music and wisdom, ritual of song, tea and elixirs, and invite you to share your gifts and transform through Love.

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7 months ago

Here's some Lucidity magic for you all! So much love for everyone and everything at this event, thank you for a magical experience! Here's a link to the full gallery: ... See MoreSee Less

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These Environments can be found in this village:

  • 548441_411916298867474_1499594664_n

    The I.AM.LIFE Experience

    This year the I.AM.LIFE project would like to present “Heaven & Earth” :a combination tea lounge and immersive art installation - which consist of a series of altars that combine the earthly and celestial realms, springing from either side of the tea lounge, spiraling together, to “give birth to the cosmos”. The experience will be…

  • SkyFireLogoLucidity


    Michael Ravenwood, Creative Director of SkyFireArts, collaborates with Lucidity Festival by Teaching Workshops, Performing a Spoken Word-Dance Piece and supporting the Production of Lover’s Nest Village.