Zach Leary
Zach Leary (Ramana) - is a practitioner of bhakti yoga as taught by his guru Neem Karoli Baba. Through the practice of kirtan he has found keys that unlock doorways that allow the soul to experience it’s true nature of being eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. In addition to bhakti yoga, Zach has been influenced by many different methods and traditions ranging from trans-humanism and hatha yoga to buddhism and psychology. But above all he believes first and foremost in his gurus teaching that “love is the strongest medicine
Scheduled Appearances
The Science of God: how to open ones heart while analyzing consciousness
Location: Fishbon StudiesMany of us have had spiritual awakenings that have shed light on a personal relationship with the Divine but perhaps the bigger question that arrises is the one surrounding the nature of consciousness. What is consciousness? Is it one universal plane of existence that we all have a window into? Or do we each have a unique individual consciousness that we share in an unknown and undefinable reality? The path of the heart that opens us to new neural path ways that allow the brain and the heart centered soul to play off of each other.
Join Zach as we discuss experiences that arise from Bhakti Yoga, meditation, sacred medicine while also diving into the vast realms of change we are experiencing through technology and trans humanism. We'll talk, sit, laugh and maybe even sing!