Samavesha Moksha
Samavesha Moksha (Gayatri) Devi is the full spectrum unification of embodying the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine in ONE being. She is a two time near death experience initiate, and an active Leadership Council Member for the global “Office of The White Phoenix and Dragon.”
Samavesha is a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and initiated priestess of the Reshel/Reshela (planetary heart) Grids within the Rose Line and Mother Gaia’s new ARK of Grace. She is the founder of Speaking Tree of Life, and her new Soul Intelligence Academy is grounded within the living principles of Sacred Erotic Commerce through the “Royal Tantra of the Grail Kings and Queens.”
For the past six years she has co-facilitated workshops on the Grail Lineage of Twin Flame Physics, Embodied Enlightenment, The New Earth’s Source Code Circuitry, Sophianic Ascension Timeline - Our Immaculate Planetary Grids, The Soul Tantra of Money, Heiros Gamos – the Divinization of Matter, Gaia’s Geomancy – the Sacred Geometry of our World Soul, The Alchemical Marriage, and The Hierogamic TREE OF LIFE. Samavesha synthesizes an energetic Twin-Soul bridge between spirit & matter, love & currency, heaven & earth, and the above & below for a harmonious manifestation of ying/yang prosperity. Her leadership is devoted to midwifing an international Divine UNION Council to anchor a cooperative transformational blueprint for our new co-creative paradigm of Spiritual Economics. Samavesha’s alchemical gifts are dedicated to awakening our transforming world through the enlightened redistribution of wealth and birthing authentic masculine/feminine archetypal balance.
She has seeded a Sacred Economics/Caring Economy collaborative alliance with New Earth Expo Events and richly enjoys co-presenting and facilitating workshops and trainings with her beloved Soul-Twin, Steven Michael Ehlinger II. Samavesha is a living Guardian for all pioneering adepts on the shared (11.11) destiny path of Sacred Union, and she grounded her two NDE (End Of Life Review) Unity Grids during her Twin Flame re-connection ceremony with Steven on 1/1/11.
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Scheduled Appearances
Workshop: Your Authentic Embodied Presence and The New Divine Human
Day: TBA Duration: 120 Location: Lovers Nest (I.AM.LIFE. Tea Lounge)An exciting exploration into a dynamic reconnection with our true nature and the accelerated pace our awakening species is evolving into - its new embodied “divine human archetype!" Through ancient-future teachings & a modern curriculum of practices, you will learn to align yourself with your Soul’s Blueprint, your unique & fully customizable destiny. The result is you speaking, manifesting, acting, & loving as a sovereign creator. Our liberation is then reflected as Gaia’s liberation as we become ambassadors, diplomats, & emissaries of a new era of planetary stewardship, co-creating in harmony with Her primordial life-force.