Sabrina Vedete
VEDETE is the Producer & Activity Leader at the Natural Leaders Program, where she dedicates her time creating, coordinating and producing events and activities to benefit at-risk and under-served youth. She is also the Co-Founder of Connect The Spots, LLC, Partner in Healers Worldwide and Community Manager at, where she lives Bob Marley’s dream of a better tomorrow for Youth, Planet and Peace. She is a Sacred Activist™, experiential author and inspired musician and photographer. She has backpacked our planet, connecting spiritually with people & the UNI-verse, writing memoirs along the way. A dedicated student of the Afro-Brasilian Art form Capoeira and long time participant in the sacred ceremony Burning Man, she holds an M.A. from The California State University Fullerton and a B.A. from The Ohio State University. Jah Guide.