Maggie Thomson-Kurz
With an educational background in a university setting, Maggie was able to begin her exploration of self by studying many topics including psychology, eastern philosophy, women’s studies, poetry, and theatre. Through her studies she stumbled upon a calling to empower women and girls at transitional points in their lives. With dreams of being a midwife, her gentle and compassionate soul continues to drive her to learn about many different transitions girls and women face. Through a steady and dedicated yoga practice Maggie has learned to shed layers of social conditioning that disempowered and disembodied her throughout her teenage years. In explorations of creativity Maggie has began to play with words, songs and spoken word poetry. She believes words to be important keys to our own psychology and that through fun and spontaneous adventures with them we can learn much about ourselves.
Scheduled Appearances
Workshop: Goddess Girls Sacred Circle
Day: Saturday Time: 11:00 am Duration: 90 Location: Goddess Grove (Temple of Benzaiten)Through song, dance, theatre and magic we will dive into a realm of open sharing space where girls aged 9 - 15 can have the freedom to share or play out anything that comes up. We will discuss, explore and play with common issues facing girls today including body image, sexuality, friendship(community), spirituality, and much more. Coming together to support each other in crucial rites of passage can decrease stress during these important stepping stones on the path of life. Mothers are totally welcome and encouraged if your daughters approve!
Workshop: Awakening The Words Within Workshop
Day: Saturday Time: 3:00pm Duration: 90 Location: Goddess Grove (Muses Creation Station - Art Dome)In this playshop WORDS are the focus! Do you think you can't write poetry? Well you're wrong! Together through games and activities we will explore the potency of words and writing. We will begin with some activities to activate our personal creative flow and create a safe group dynamic. We will create collaborated poetry as well as try some on our own! You may even pick up some tips on public speaking and poetry reading! Learn to find your own creative flow and to play with words as a means of expression and exploration of yourself. Every word and every body is welcome here!