Jami Deva aka Devaliminal

Jami is a visionary producer of ecstatic music and events that empower people to strengthen and renew their own autonomous connection to True Source. Conscious Sound, Light, Breath & Movement are the keys to unlocking human potential and returning to the natural frequency of True Love. Jami has dedicated his life to the expansion of consciousness through live events & recording media - the audio producer, DJ and co-founder on tour with Qi Revolution National Event since 2005. He is a master at creating a healing soundscape that nurtures and Inspires real transformation. Sound, the carrier wave of Unity Consciousness, is an invisible force that connects and can translate a moment into pure feeling. Jami has recently moved to Ojai, CA where he works in his studio and hosts transformative events.

“We are at a unique time in human history where the human race is waking up. We are realizing our true potential as vast and infinite spiritual beings. We are at this moment undergoing a transformative process of becoming who we truly are. Dissolving illusions of separateness and limiting belief structures, rebuilding our world view, our relationships, and our connection with Nature.”

Scheduled Appearances

  • Workshop: The Breath Empowerment

    Day: TBA Duration: 60 Location: Healing Sanctuary (Wise Owl Collabortorium)

    The 45 minute practice accelerates healing and physical energy with incredible sensation of vibration & heat. It generates so much internal energy that the process facilitates opening blocked meridians. It’s a great practice that is highly beneficial to do before any other energy modality, such as yoga, qigong, tai chi, dance, etc.

    Many people have shared that their experience of the Breath Empowerment was “BETTER than any drug!” God’s breath provides the ultimate natural high. Learn how to release the naturally occurring DMT from your brain’s pineal gland. Transformation is as simple as laying down and breathing. This is a great practice to penetrate blockages and experience the true BLISS master yogis have described.

    Jami has facilitated large groups of 200 – 2000 people all breathing at the same time. Sound like a journey you want to experience?

  • Workshop: TUMO Breath Activation

    Day: TBA Duration: 90 Location: Warriors Way (Warrior Arena)

    TUMO Breath Activation takes 2 minutes to work! With just nine “Warrior” breaths and precise abdominal placement a profound vibration and waves of healing Qi fills your body. You simply must experience this Qi to understand. Connecting with energy of Source/ God/ Light is the practice. Precise instruction is necessary to understand Tibetan Tumo Breathing. More advanced practitioners can use their breathing to generate considerable HEAT to endure cold better and increase blood circulation to the extremities. Gives virtually to everyone - the ultimate happy buzz.

    Wherever two or more be gathered… Qigong speaks volumes about GROUP ENERGY and the field of thought as a healing force magnified by many practitioners combined Qi. TUMO Breathing Circle is usually people’s all-time most powerful experience of Qi. Even the least sensitive people are feeling the Currency moving thru everyone’s arms. Qi is directed with heart centered visualizations and expanded out to benefit all Beings.

  • Workshop: TUMO Breath Activation

    Day: TBA Duration: 90 Location: Healing Sanctuary (Wise Owl Collabortorium)

    TUMO Breath Activation takes 2 minutes to work! With just nine “Warrior” breaths and precise abdominal placement a profound vibration and waves of healing Qi fills your body. You simply must experience this Qi to understand. Connecting with energy of Source/ God/ Light is the practice. Precise instruction is necessary to understand Tibetan Tumo Breathing. More advanced practitioners can use their breathing to generate considerable HEAT to endure cold better and increase blood circulation to the extremities. Gives virtually to everyone - the ultimate happy buzz.

    Wherever two or more be gathered… Qigong speaks volumes about GROUP ENERGY and the field of thought as a healing force magnified by many practitioners combined Qi. TUMO Breathing Circle is usually people’s all-time most powerful experience of Qi. Even the least sensitive people are feeling the Currency moving thru everyone’s arms. Qi is directed with heart centered visualizations and expanded out to benefit all Beings.


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