Arthur McDee

Arthur McDee is a multimedia consultant and urban homesteader living in the city of Los Angeles. A member of the Maltose Falcons, a local brewing club, four years ago he began fermenting beer, kombucha, and food. Finding the joy in creating and sharing; jars and bottles became a standard in the kitchen. “Happiness is in a jar.”

Besides spending time in the garden and the kitchen. He is tutor/mentor at Los Angeles Mission College and is dedicated to healing communities through art, music, culture, and sustainability.

Scheduled Appearances

  • Workshop: Introduction to Micro Brewing Craft Beer

    Day: TBA Duration: 60 Location: Warriors Way (Warrior Arena)

    In this workshop you will learn how to brew your own beer at home. We will discuss equipment, sanitation, ingredients, grains vs. malt syrup, the fermentation process, and racking (the bottling and kegging process).

    Samplings will be also be provided with valid 21+ ID.

  • Workshop: Lucidity Photo Walk

    Day: TBA Duration: 90 Location: Warriors Way (Warrior Arena)

    Photographers of all walks of life and skill levels are welcome to join. DSLRs are not required, you can bring your point and shoots, or even cell phones.

    Come socialize, learn, explore and capture the lucid dream on your cameras.

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