Elgin first fell in love with electronic music in 1996 when a high school buddy turned him on to “Music for the Jilted Generation”. Three years later, a friend needed a place to store a set of belt drive decks and an old mixer…it was on these decks that his fascination with mixing was born. From this fascination and after many years of dedication, he’s honed his skills to permit movement through various tempos and styles with ease…all while making sure that YOU are having as much fun as he is!
As one of the original faces at the now infamous Space Island, he’s worked tirelessly over the years to earn the respect of the underground community.
Whether playing solo or with his popular side project Handsome Sandwich (alongside his good friend and talented producer Ruff Hauser), his style is constantly changing, each set a unique experience. From slammin’ hard drum & bass and dirty rockin’ dubstep, to slow and sexy grooves for the ladies, or even a deep psychedelic desert sunrise set…no one style defines Elgin, and no one genre restricts him. He plays what he feels, plays with purpose, and moves