Shaun Cosmo

Cosmo does visionary art to uplift, inspire and empower people. To help us all to look deeper within ourselves and within the intricacies of nature, science and spirituality.

“Art speaks to people on a deep fundamental frequency. By tapping into this frequency the artist can to help heal others by creating a medium in which they can find truth within themselves. Through that truth we awaken to the reality that we are all connected, and can begin see and feel that connection.

I started experimenting with digital photo painting, an off-branch of the photography I was studying. This soon led me into a tribal community that supported free expression, empowerment and world change through conscious intention and action. I have never felt more at home. It its my mission to create art that can speak to people on a global level to help us all wake up and raise our vibration of love and consciousness to the highest possible level.

Telling stories can create a space where people are given the opportunity to relate. A relationship is formed to the storyteller, to the characters, to the story itself. Stories paint a picture of an unknown world, making it knowable and familiar. By telling stories through the language of art, I create a space that I can relate to. When someone else relates to it, that relationship connects us and our frequencies increase harmonically. So we can basically use the paintings as mini portals that connect our energy, in love and healing with everyone else that has connected with that story.”

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