Lucidity Festivals invites you on an epic saga of personal, collective, and global transformation. Each festival year presents another chapter of a larger mythic journey. Beginning in 2012 with Lucidity’s first incarnation, we explored three full trilogies over the past 9 years and are embarking on the final tryptic journey. You can imagine these trilogies as seasons, similar to how a television series organize into seasons. Consider chapters 1-3 as Season 1, chapters 4-6 as Season 2, chapters 7-9 as Season 3, and the final season will be chapters 10-12, set for 2023-2025. We joyfully invite you to join us on this life-changing cycle, and ride the cresting waves of this beautiful metaphor we call life.

Year 1: Awake in Your Dreams
We, the Dreamers of the New Dawn, have stirred in our slumber. As the eye of consciousness opened, we recognized the dream as a dream while we were still within the dream! The experience of lucidity unfolds into the understanding that each of us has infinite potential, that we are able to let go of fear and are free to create that which we want to see in the world. This sunrise of awareness marks an ever-present-now moment of self-discovery—the birth of something beautiful. This inception is a time to explore the many archetypes that exist within each of us—healers, warriors, renegades, lovers, tricksters—and as part of a grand human family. The Hero and Heroine within are called to adventure. When you find yourself Awake in Your Dreams, you are suddenly able to see yourself sitting on the shores of eternity, looking out over the unfathomable vast expanse, knowing in the depths of your being that the answers to the mysteries of the universe are out there, within your reach. Truth does exist, and it is for waiting for you. We invite you to wade further into the waters of this epic journey of personal and collective transformation, which will continue to flower and flourish for eons untold.

Year 2: The Totems’ Return
Eyes, heart, and spirit are wide open as we begin to examine the world anew. We are lucid and loving it! We recognize that all that can be seen, smelled, touched, tasted, and heard upon this great ocean of infinity is a beautiful reflection of that which exists within us. In this next chapter, you embark on a deep and joyful dive into the heart of who and what you are. The animal totem spirits of our world are here to guide you. We call forth The Totems’ Return, ushered in by wise Owl, humble Tiger, courageous Dragon, wild Monkey, loving Dove, and playful Coyote. This next chapter is simultaneously an invitation to reconnect with the animal within and an opportunity to learn from each totem’s strengths and weaknesses. This exploration brings a greater sense of self-confidence and clarity of purpose. This stage of the journey is imbued with magic and mystery, deep connection and fellowship, playfulness and lucid happiness. Embrace the animal energies, incorporate them into your very nature. Love them; become them.

Year 3: Universe
As we fully integrate each human archetype and each animal spirit, an epiphany is revealed to us. We are all of them already. We are connected to, enlivened by, and an embodiment of each and every energy in the Universe! As above so below. As within, so without. With this profound realization, you, lucid dreamer, are now initiated into the ranks of astral rangers and galactic light beings that traverse the etheric realms. Among the illuminated masters of the universe, your consciousness rests, at peace with the All. Free from judgment, attachment, and expectation, you are in full acceptance of all that is, all that was, and all that will be. You are happy. You are home.

Year 4: Kindred Quest
It is quite understandable that you’d like to rest in the serenity and expansiveness of the Universe forever, but our work is not done. It’s time to come back down to earth and look around. You, in all your infinite and eternal-ness, are not alone. There are other beings engaging in a similar process, walking paths that interweave with yours and others, experiencing unique expressions of the All. It is time to bring forth all that you are and engage in the “We.” While your individual consciousness has tasted the sweetness of One Love, our immediate three-dimensional, carbon-based reality presents a tangible set of vital questions and challenges. How do we live in the world in right relationship with each other and the planet? How do we transform our cultures and societies to make space for a brighter future for our children’s children? For the answers to these questions, we look to our ancestors. In this Kindred Quest, we pay homage and make humble inquiry to humanity’s indigenous knowledge systems and native wisdom traditions and stand them alongside that which is gleaned from contemporary mysticism, scientific rigor and careful, prolonged observation. Ever looking, ever learning, ever loving, ever lucid, we are coming together as one community with one voice.

Year 5: Crossroads
The second chapter of our collective journey and the fifth installment of our epic saga brings us to this turbulent moment in space and time—the Now of our socio-cultural evolution. We see our global human family entangled in a liminal, transitional zone between what was and what will be. Crossroads is the place between worlds. It is a limbo zone where many of us are confronted by Shadow and a great fear of the unknown. This dark night of the collective soul represents our final push through the oppressive powers of mind control and socioeconomic domination. Having traversed three years of personal discovery, exploration, and realization, and having time-traveled into our past to learn from our tribal elders, we are now standing upon the mountaintop, hand in hand, looking out upon our beloved Mother Earth. Without denial or judgment, we acknowledge the bursting cities and poisoned seas, the weeping jungle and waning ice worlds. As the Dreamers of the New Dawn, only moments are spent on grief, as we are here to envision solutions. We resolve to cast light upon the darkness, to dig our hands in the dirt, to sing songs of a peaceful future, and actively sweep away that which no longer serves us.

Year 6: Eudaimonia
We understand that every great cycle must come to its eventual conclusion. Luckily, the final chapter of this tale has a bright and exuberant ending! Eudaimonia means “having a good indwelling spirit,” and as it signals a communal happiness rooted in the virtues of interconnected awakened individuals, it is the culmination of all we’ve been striving for. Our expanded family is overflowing with optimistic yet grounded utopian joy that has risen through many long years of searching, contemplating, delving, climbing, and centering. As we enter this golden age of human flourishing, we give massive gratitude for the guides who have shown us the path, for our children who reminded us to laugh and play, for our brothers and sisters who walk beside us, for our ancestors who teach us the way, and for our higher selves who shine light through our being! Nothing dies, nothing is created. Energy simply changes frequency and form. Together as one tribe, one nation, one family, one community, one humanity, one universe, one consciousness, we shift to the light and live in love forever. And for those who remain in slumber, the cycle returns to where it began, as all signs and omens nudge you to Awake in Your Dreams.

Year 7: Rising Dawn
Awaken the New Story.
As one great cycle comes to a close, a new beginning is birthed. In the fateful moment just before the Ouroboros cosmic serpent chomps down on his own tail, there is a liminal moment, a long and silent pause, an opportunity to spiral into a higher lucid octave of consciousness, rather than mindlessly repeating old stories and patterns. We stand on such a precipice, and looking out upon the horizon, with gratitude for the integration of the learnings from a long and challenging quest fulfilled, we see a familiar sunrise. A new day is upon us. A new story is welling in our hearts. It’s as though we’ve been here before, but that’s impossible. We are awakening, not just to our infinite potential as individual beings, not just to our collective power when we reinhabit the village, but to our vast possitentialities as a species, interconnected with all of life. The rising sun illuminates where we’ve been and shines light on the path before us. We see this next rite of passage as a new quest toward a unified humanity, and we joyfully say YES, and Thank You!

Year 8: Moon’s Eye View
Witness of the World.
After a beautiful and majestic Rising Dawn and sun rays sweep across much of the New Earth’s surface, we step back and imagine what it must be like to be the Moon. A cool, calm presence in our orbit, Moon reminds us of the greater celestial forces that govern the tides, our emotions, and many other natural rhythms. From Moon’s unique vantage point, she sees all that transpires on our pale blue dot — all our joys and all our pain, all of our creating and all of our destruction. And how interesting that we only see one side of her, the dark side of the moon remaining ever hidden from our view, peering out into the solar system, into the galaxy, and the great unknown of outer space. She insists that we must be willing to fearlessly journey into the great unknown if we wish to share such an expanded perspective! From the Moon’s Eye View, we are invited to see our floating island for what it is — a lush and magical garden, a sanctuary of life, a place so many call home. We understand that anything that harms the great web of life, harms each of us. We take responsibility for the larger expressions of war and resource depletion and power hungry politics as macro expressions of micro processes that exist within all of us. In the face of these individual, community, and global challenges, we step back into the humble place of the witness and ask firmly, how can we be of service to Life itself and to the Giver of this Life?

Year 9: Re-Generation Earth
Seed a New Garden.
Awakening and watching, watching and learning, learning and doing. We are engaged in a beautifully entangled process of expansion that we know through our feeling, sensing, observing, behaving, and growing. Along with a growing global perspective, we elongate our sense of responsibility for our actions on Earth well beyond our own lives. We see many generations into the future, and give thanks to countless generations of our ancestors. We step confidently into this big place, knowing our actions and deeds affect all of life and ripple outward in infinite directions. We are ready once again to get to work, to dig our hands in the dirt and build a new garden that our children and their children’s children will tend. We saw Eudaimonia as a possibility in a fleeting dream years ago, and some part of us knows in our hearts that it is so always already, perhaps on some parallel timeline or dimension. We are ready to sound the horns and call it back in. Water is life. Breath is life. Soil is life. Heartfully grown food is life. We stand up again and resolve to be Guardians, Stewards and Engaged Activators, not just for our own backyards, not just for the village we call home, but for our communities of communities and for our precious garden planet.

Year 10: The Great Synthesis
The Great Synthesis, our 10th chapter of the Lucid Saga, marks the beginning of a new trilogy. As such, dreamers will notice the convergence of songlines from the past. Our totem animals from our first six years return along with the villages they stood watch over, and will be integrated into the elemental realms of the last 3 chapters.
Just as Earth spirals through the seemingly infinite chasms of space-time, so, too, does the collective consciousness of the dreamers of the Lucid Multiverse spiral upwards and outwards into greater octaves of unity and expansiveness. All the information, skills, experience, and challenges of the last 10 years are ready to be stirred into the cauldron of integration. The wound becomes the source of healing. The enemy becomes our most profound teacher. Our most expansive experiences of joy and bliss expand our container and capacity to hold equally greater depths of grief and sorrow. Our actions that come from this place are more informed, more balanced, and are mindful of their rippling impact. As we step into The Great Synthesis, we embrace the intention to touch, to taste, to feel, to know Universal Consciousness. Nowhere left to go. No One left to Be. Nothing left to do, but share in the sweetness of fellowship beneath Live Oak trees.

Year 11: Auroras’ Light
Year in and year out, dreamers from across the many realms gather in the oak speckled hills of a quaint valley and build more than a festival, they build a city of collective dreams. This city is an earthly reflection of a mythic place that sits in our imaginations and in our hearts, at the center of all space and time. It is a sacred crystal palace where all records are kept and where all possibilities, all creativity, and all Love, is born.
We know this place as The Lucid City.
We do our very best to build a Lucid City worthy of this special ethereal place of spirit. Music fills the air, children run together and laugh, seekers learn from elders, artists share their gifts, storytellers weave an enchanting mythos, and together we play, grow, and dream.
The Auroras, which are the namesake of our current chapter, are the rainbow bridges that connect the many realms of the Lucid Multiverse. They are simultaneously the wormholes that dreamers use to travel to and from the Lucid City, and they are the very bastions that keep the Lucid City standing at the multiverse. After a long period of uncertainty, fear, and doubt, The Lucid City is calling upon the dreamers to travel upon the Auroras once again, to visit its crystalline temples and towering spires, and remember the light of who they truly are.
Auroras’ Light is an invitation to dream the Lucid City awake once again, alongside the other dreamers from across the lucid multiverse.