Wesley Brenner

Cosmic cove and Psychedelic Miss Frizzle present a interactivational experience into the world of rainbows, fabric arts and tie dye! Bring your old white clothing and revamp them with vivid colors and wild designs, learn the basics of how to create beautiful tie dye creations hands on from two rainbow wizards and go home with a wonderful creations, handmade by you on the festival grounds!

Workshops & Presentations

  • Tie dye! Liquid and ice dye

    105 min | Soul Palace Imaginarium

    This workshop we would provide a variety of whites as well as the option for participants to be able to bring their whites in to be revamped with color! For this workshop we’d learn the same basic tying skills and would have an option to either dye our garments with dye over ice in buckets, or mix liquid dye in bottles and dye the garments and everyone would be able to bring a creation home to open when they returned from the event.


Festival Locations:

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