Rachel Rickards

Rachel Rickards is an adventurous spirit in the realms of love, sex and relationship. Her natural exuberance gives permission to others to explore their authentic selves in uncharted territory. Her never ending enthusiasm and energy for the work of transformation and the ease of play is a huge gift adding depth coupled with perspective to everything she does.

One of Rachel’s greatest contributions to a space is how she is able to embody the feelings of an individual or group field with such acute awareness, that one could almost observe her as the pure reflection of what is present in the field at any given moment.

With Rachel, comes a passion for relating and loving in alternative ways and helping people find their truth in the way they want to love and be loved. She has sincere empathy for the difficult path of relating outside of the box, but also great enthusiasm for the spiritual journey it is to find your own relationship to relating with others, and ultimately, most importantly, to yourself.

Most recently, Rachel has been thriving in her work with women empowerment, helping her clients to find their voice and define their boundaries; to live life actively owning the kind of relationship their heart desires. With personal and professional training in psychology, sex therapy, Tantra, intimacy and alternative/open relationship coaching, she is committed to helping others find their full creative expression in life and love.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Embodied Intimacy: Oxytocin Fueled Connection

    120 min | Altar of Fire

    Embodied Intimacy was created to provide something that is missing in this world, which is a pragmatic, experiential education in intimacy and relating. During this workshop we will generate a loving, spacious, and transpersonal field of energy and awareness using guided partnered meditations. Embedded in this field, is the dissolving of the Western experience of separate self into rhythmic waves of sensation and feeling that are shared together in real time.

    The process is simple, clear and magical. In-To-Me-I-See. Heart to heart, belly to belly, breath by breath, it all unfolds, melts and unwinds. What results is a profoundly felt sense of peace and connection, a natural biochemical high that neuro-mirrors intimate love, meditative samadhi and mystical oneness. At the speed of love we learn how to live from the wisdom of our heart instead of the worry of our minds.

  • Conscious Open Relating

    75 min | Altar of Fire

    To chose to live and relate in an open or polyamorous way requires a community of like-minded souls. Without community we do not have the necessary support needed as couples and individuals to love as big as our hearts desire.

    As the definition and practice of relating is expanding beyond what we were taught unconsciously by our parents we want to invite you to join the conversation. Where does one begin on the path of open relating?

    There are many ways to make it work. The journey is in finding the way(s) that work for you. Regardless of your personal preference, most of us were not raised with role models for this alternative way of relating.

    You are invited to this gathering of Spiritually Minded, Open, Fluid, LGBTQ, Polyamorous, Monogamomish people. Come join the conversation where we aim to come together to create a Culture of Conscious Relating.

Festival Locations:

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