Gaby & Raj Sundra

What’s refreshingly different about Gaby & Raj’s relationship “work” is that they’re fun, funny and forward focused. No need to be so significant and serious or over analyze relationship problems anymore!

They had some pretty dark, tough, looooong days early on, but they did the reading, workshops and therapy until they figured it out and discovered simple and practical tips tools and techniques for what makes relationships soar rather than sink.

Gaby’s a life-long learner and has a Masters degree in Education, Counseling & Guidance. She helps turn impossible dreams into awesome realities. One of her mottos is “Pigs CAN fly!”

Raj is known as the “Energizer Bunny of transformation”. His thirst for knowledge that makes a difference led him to a Master’s Degree from Cornell, personal development like Landmark Education, and endless research in books, workshops and beyond. His motto is “Let’s do this!”

Workshops & Presentations

  • Awesome Intimacy 101 - How to Keep the Fights Clean & the Sex Dirty

    75 min | Altar of Fire

    If you’re ready to Keep the Fights Clean and put relationship on a Drama Diet, retire your repeat arguments, nip nagging in the bud and learn to turn power struggles into partnership... Or if you want to Keep the Sex Dirty, steer clear of the stale, put an end to the predictable, to true be yourselves, intimately seen, seduced and surrendered then don’t miss this workshop of the 6 Steps to Keeping the Fights Clean & the Sex Dirty. Know when to wear the halo and when to wear the devil horns so you can save being nasty for your sex life!

  • 3 Keys to Communication - Send, Receive & Play

    75 min | Altar of Fire

    Are You Walking On Eggshells? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could speak freely and not have to worry about setting off a fight? How might your relationship benefit if you could send even a difficult communication clearly with calm and compassion? Do you think it might help if you knew how to receive a difficult communication completely?What if you had facility in playing a “game” for making and meeting each other’s requests? What would it be worth to you if you could put an end to nagging, blaming, shaming complaining and criticizing in your relationship? Learn this count-on-able communication tool as well as a handful of other quick simple tips you can apply in the heat of an argument.

    1. SEND/CLEAR: Get Intentional to Get Heard
    2. RECEIVE/COMPLETE: Give Them the Gift of “Getting Them”
    3. PLAY/CREATE: (the Request Game): Get On “GO-ST”

Festival Locations:

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