Devajeet Singh

Born and raised in Santa Ana California, Andre Sandoval grew up with curiosity & passion for Mayan history and art. In his youth after traveling to the Mayan ruins Chichen Itza and climbing up the famous temple, he became a revolutionary activist in his teenage years. After recovering from a near death accident & overcoming alcoholism, he returned to his hometown Santa Ana where he would find the House go Guru Ram Das and Kundalini Yoga and his life would change forever as went deeper onto his spiritual path. It was there where he would spend the next years becoming a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, being baptized by the Native American Church and facilitating Kambo ceremonies at his studio, 8th Chakra Studio in Santa Ana.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Shamanic Sound Bath with Hapé & Sananga

    75 min | Sacred Frequency Sanctuary

    Combining the healing powers of Indigenous Sacred Sound instruments with the healing powers of the sacred Rapé (Hapay) coupled with the Sananga eye drops to spiritually cleanse everything from them while bringing their mind, body, & soul back into harmony. Hapé is usually made of a sacred variety of tobacco leaf powder and other herbs and ash trees are ground into a fine, aromatic powder that is blown through the nostrils to cleanse any negative energy. The beautiful spirit of Sananga assists us to deeply cleanse on the energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Also, it assists us to unblock, re-align, open-up all the chakras, and release any stuck energy and sickness.

  • Kambo Healing Me - Sacred Amazonian Frog Medicine

    75 min | Altar of Air

    How the Sacred Kambo medicine is going to heal the world & working with the Matsés Tribe in Peru empowering the indigenous while spreading the sacred Kambo medicine around the world in a sustainable way.

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