David Solomon
David’s experience of over 144 Siddhis of telekinesis, rapid healing, weather control, manifestation, powerful synchronicity led him to write “Magic is Real: How to Manifest Miracles, Become Enlightened and Make Spirituality Fun Again”, and launch Facebook.com/MagicalAscension, which has over 150,000 followers.
David inspires and empowers through guided astral journeys, helping you open your third eye and use your power as infinite awareness to explore multiple dimensions, including the Terminal of the Matrix, where the hologram of material reality is created.
A spiritual teacher and entertainer, David plays with spiritual concepts in ways accessible to everyone. Magic - powers of consciousness not fully scientifically understood - is a way of realizing our divine nature. The upcoming Magic Lab, where magical practices will be studied and amplified, as well as the founding of Atlantis Reborn as a 10M person city, are short and long term projects, ways to help usher in a new Golden Age by integrating the spiritual and material realms.
Having studied with over 15 teachers of various shamanic, buddhist, Damanhurian (Atlantean) and other traditions, along with serving as a channel, David constantly seeks to learn and grow. His current primary teachers are Lakshmi and Thoth, who he occasionally channels and embodies (to the extent his ego filter allows), along with the Galactic Alliance.