
Centehua is a movement alchemist and creator of Lunar Rhythm-Sacred Dance Rituals. She is a farmer, herbalist and mother. She resides with her family in Vista where they host family farm gatherings, classes and women’s circles. Centehua’s passion is to share the magic of living life connected and in collaboration with nature’s cycles. Her gift is dance and her passion is to feed people earth’s nourishing foods and medicines. Centehua is in devotion and service to Gaia and committed to doing her part to activate a positive shift in our world.

Workshops & Presentations

  • Lunar Rhythm - Sacred Dance Ritual with Music by synapps

    90 min | Movement Lab

    Lunar Rhythm is a portal towards creative embodiment. In order to share openly and boundlessly we must give ourselves permission to be vulnerable and open. We dance to befriend and integrate the shadow self, working with archetypes to bring forth all that is hidden and allow every part of us to have a voice. Our dance is ceremony and in our rituals we embrace the fragmented or wounded parts of us without judgement. Through intentional, creative movement we reclaim our ability to heal from the inside out, dismantle old forms and patterns and take full responsibility for ourselves. We honor and call upon our ancestors who paved the way and celebrate us in the light. When we dance as a community we tune in and activate the energies of earth, clear ancestral pain and embody our unique experience thus cultivating self-love and acceptance.

    * DJ beats with synapps

Festival Locations:

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